Hospital Birth with a Midwife
What a hospital birth with a Midwife looks like
These services are a great option for those planning to give birth in the hospital setting but want midwifery care for prenatal visits, during labor, and then postpartum care.
We follow the same schedule that you would see a doctor for. I can order labs, ultrasounds and referrals for you as necessary. When you go into labor, I come to your home to check on you, your baby, and your labor progress. This gives you a better idea of when to go to the hospital where you will deliver with the doctor on call. As with all options, the ultimate decision about when to go to the hospital is yours.
Once at the hospital, I become your doula and provide labor support while there*. After you deliver your baby, I provide postpartum visits for you and baby up to six weeks.
Interested in learning more about this option? Schedule your consultation today!
*Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are allowing doulas to support laboring families in the hospital, however, that can change at any moment.